Mandatory Gear Up Date, Drop Bag Changes, Pacer Clarification, Westside Track is OPEN!
Sara Alonso Martinez Running Up on the BTU100Mi Course.
It’s Time to get excited! One more sleep until the Brisbane Trail Ultra Festival Opens!
First Up!
Fantastic News! Westside Track is OPEN! This track has been closed for two years due to a landslide. We are super privileged as this track is only open for our event and IS NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! This is a special part of the course and probably one of the most beautiful stretches on the BTU100Mi Course.
LA La Sportiva - Official Shoe of the Brisbane Trail Ultra
Pacer Clarification
No Pacer Pick Up at Remote Check Point/Township/ Sth Boundary Break.
Drop Bag - Drop Off Change;
Drop Bags for CP2, CP3, and CP4 will be at Kangaroo Cliffs-Brisbane Trail Ultra.
Drop Bags for CP5 and CP6 Will be Dropped off at the Start Line before your race (BTU60, BTU110, BTU100Mi Only)
Finish Line Bags
Finish Line Bags will be left at Corra-Mulling Park for the BTU100Mi, BTU110, BTU60, BTU30.
Finish Line Bags will be left at Mahogany Track Car Cark CP6 for BTU20, BTU10.
Mandatory Gear Change For BTU100Mi and BTU110
BTU100Mi Runners will be asked to pick up their fleece at the following checkpoints;
BTU100Mi 00:00 am Starters will need to pick up their Fleece from CP3 Maiala Picnic Ground.
BTU100Mi 05:00 am Starters will need to pick up their Fleece from CP4 Dundas Bush Camp.
BTU110 Runners will have to pick up their fleece if they leave CP2, Mount Nebo State School after 2 pm.
Cups and Soft Flasks
Brisbane Trail Ultra is a Cup Free Event in the National Park, we will have Hammer Gel Jugs for You. Bring an extra small soft water bottle 250ml or Gel Flask to carry your gels in. It is best to dilute your gel 50/50 Water and Gel.
Hammer Nutrition Australia - Sports Nutrition Supplier of the BTU since 2019.
In 2022 we have sourced different soups for the BTU60, BTU110, and BTU100Mi. Not all of our soups come in a cup. Please make sure you have a cup, plastic bowl or mug in your drop bag and a soup or a fork so you can eat your soup. A takeaway bowl would be perfect.
Suunto Sportswatch - Official Sportswatch of the Brisbane Trail Ultra.
We will look forward to seeing you all at rego and on the course!
Cora and Shona