Claim Your Refund Link
To claim your refund you may be asked for proof of the reason why you can’t attend the Brisbane Trail Ultra 2024. Please ensure the reason why you are claiming a refund meets the requirements of the Third Party Refund Provider see below terms;
The company or website that sold you the live event registration, tickets or event entry (the seller or “we”) has arranged for Protecht, Inc. to service its enhanced refund program. On their behalf, Protecht will handle all refund requests.
Active military duty means currently serving in the United States Armed Forces on a full-time basis.
Active military duty includes reserve members that are called into active duty, this does not include foreseeable or routine duties.
Companion means a person who:
Possesses a ticket to the same event(s) or venue as you; and
Intends to use the ticket with you.
Refundable period means the time during which refunds are payable, beginning on the purchase date and ending on the event date.
Epidemic means a fast-spreading, contagious, or infectious disease or illness, occurring in a designated place and time, as documented by a recognized public health authority (including but not limited to the CDC or similar agency).
Event means a scheduled activity, which requires a fee to attend, on a specific day(s) and time(s).
Financial default means a complete suspension of operations due to financial circumstances whether or not a bankruptcy petition is filed.
Illness means a sickness, infirmity or disease that causes a loss that begins during a coverage period. Illness includes but is not limited to testing positive for COVID and confirmed by a PCR or similar test completed by a medical facility.
Immediate family member means your spouse (by marriage, common-law, or civil union) or your domestic partner; parent; child(ren), including children who are, or are in the process of becoming adopted; siblings; grandparent or grandchild(ren); stepparent; stepchild; stepsibling; legal guardian; ward; in-laws (father or mother), aunt, uncle, or first cousins.
Injury means bodily harm caused directly by an accident sustained after your purchase and before the event for which you registered and/or purchased a ticket, independent of all other causes.
Mechanical breakdown means a mechanical issue which prevents the vehicle from being driven. Mechanical breakdown does not include running out of gas or failure to perform routine maintenance.
Pandemic means an epidemic that has affected an unusually large number of people or involves an extensive geographic area, as documented by a recognized public health authority (including but not limited to the CDC or similar agency).
Physician means a person who is licensed and legally entitled to practice medicine in the applicable field for which services are delivered. A physician may not be you, a companion, or a family member.
Refund means any cash, credits, recoveries, reimbursements, or vouchers you receive or are entitled to receive.
Season Pass means an admission to a facility (such as an amusement park or recreational facility) which is valid for a Season or for a pre-determined period of time, but for no more than two years.
Terrorist act means the unsanctioned and illegal use of force which causes destruction of property, injury, or death by an individual or group for the express or implied purpose of achieving a political, ethnic, or religious goal, as recognized by the U.S. State Department. Terrorist acts do not include general civil protest, unrest, rioting, or an act of war.
Ticket means a fee, including any service, handling, and parking fees, paid at the time of the original event purchase to attend or participate in an event on a specific day and time.
Travel carrier means a company licensed to commercially transport public passengers between cities for a fee by land, water, or air. It does not include:
Rental vehicle companies;
Private, chartered, or non-commercial transportation carriers; or
Local, commuter, or other urban transit system carriers (such as commuter rail, city bus, subway, ferry, taxi, livery, or other such carriers).
Uninhabitable means a natural disaster, fire, flood, burglary or vandalism causes enough damage to make a reasonable person find their home or other accommodation unfit for use.
Urgent home repair means an immediate repair that, unless completed, is likely to result in severe damage.
We, Us or Our means [Name of Client Here].
Weather emergency means:
the local government or the National Weather Service issues an advisory against travel as a result of rain, snow or wind; or
A “state of emergency” due to weather is declared by the federal, state, provincial or local government.
You or your means the person who has paid for the event, enrolled in the enhanced refund program, and will be participating or attending the event.
The following rights to a refund are designed to protect against situations or losses that result from sudden and unexpected conditions or occurrences. The refund rights do not cover reasonably foreseeable conditions or occurrences on or before the date of your purchase.
Ticket Cancellation Protection reimburses you if you are unable to use your ticket(s) due to one or more of the following refund reasons
I. Sickness, Injury, Death
Any serious injury or any unforeseeable serious illness (including but not limited to testing positive for COVID) occurring to you or a companion which results in you or a companion being unable to attend the event for which the ticket is purchased. You or the companion must be examined by a physician and the physician must advise you or the companion not to attend the event.
Any serious injury or any unforeseeable serious illness occurring to your immediate family member that is considered life threatening or requiring hospitalization or which requires you to provide primary care to that person. Your immediate family member must be examined by a physician, resulting in you not being able to attend the event.
Your death prior to the event.
The death of a family member or companion within 30 days prior to the event.
You or your companion have been advised by a physician, due to complications of pregnancy, that you or your companion are unable to attend the event for which the ticket is purchased. The advice to not attend the event by a physician must occur after your original date of purchase.
II. Weather, Natural Disasters, Man-Made Disasters
Severe weather conditions which result in your inability to attend the event. You must be unable to reach the event by car or travel carrier. This does not include weather such as heavy snowfall with roads open, ice on roads, or abnormally heavy rain, unless the intervention of authorities is involved. If the event is canceled due to weather, you will not qualify for a refund for this reason.
You are unable to attend the event due to a weather emergency within 24 hours of the event and the event is not canceled by the venue.
III. Traveling to the Event
Your or a companion’s automobile having a mechanical breakdown within 48 hours of the event which results in the vehicle being unable to be driven to the event.
IV. Failure of Travel Carrier
You or a companion not arriving at the venue due to a delay by the travel carrier used for transportation.
V. Work Related
You, a companion, or an immediate family member, who are on active military duty, having their personal time off status changed, except for disciplinary reasons, which prevents you from attending the event.
You or your spouse are permanently relocated by you or your spouse’s current employer to a location that is at least 100 miles from your primary residence.
What the Company will Pay. The Company will reimburse you the non-refundable ticket cost, less any refunds from other sources, up to the limits specified in the documents provided to you upon purchase.
No refund is provided for any loss arising directly or indirectly out of or as a result of the following:
You are medically unable to attend the event at the time you purchase your ticket(s) or effective date;
intentionally self-inflicted harm, suicide or attempted suicide by you, your companion, or family member;
You or your companion are advised by a physician to not attend an event prior to the date of your original purchase.
mental or nervous health disorders, including but not limited to: Alzheimer’s, anxiety, dementia, depression, neurosis or psychosis; or physical complications related thereto of you, your companion or your family member;
alcohol or substance abuse; or conditions or physical complications related thereto of you, your companion or your family member;
war (whether declared or undeclared), acts of war, military duty (unless specifically provided for elsewhere herein), civil disorder, or unrest;
operating or learning to operate any aircraft as pilot or crew;
nuclear reaction, radiation or radioactive contamination;
natural disasters (unless specifically provided for elsewhere herein);
terrorist acts (unless specifically provided for elsewhere herein);
financial default (unless specifically provided for elsewhere herein);
epidemic or pandemic (unless specifically provided for elsewhere herein);
pollution or threat of pollutant release;
any unlawful acts committed by you, your companion or your family member, whether they are insured or not;
you, your companion:
making changes to personal plans; or
having a business or contractual obligation (unless specifically provided for elsewhere herein).
the event being canceled or delayed by the venue or promoter for any reason (including bad weather) unless as provided herein;
prohibition or regulation by any government;
lost or stolen tickets (unless specifically covered); or
any expected or foreseeable occurrences.
This plan does not provide a refund if you:
if you give incorrect data or facts; or
if the loss is not submitted to us within 90 days from the date of loss, except as otherwise prohibited by law.
All benefits will be paid in United States dollars. The following provisions apply to all benefits.
NOTICE OF REFUND REQUEST: Written notice of refund request must be given by either you or someone acting on your behalf (herein referred to as the “Claimant”) to our designated representative or us within 30 days after a refund reason first begins or within 30 days of the event date, whichever comes first.
REFUND REQUEST FORMS: When our designated representative or we receive a notice of a refund request, one of us will send you the forms to be used in filing proof of a refund request. If our designated representative or we do not send you these forms within 15 days, you can meet the Proof of Loss requirement by sending our designee or us, a written statement of the occurrence, nature and extent of the loss within the time allowed for filing Proof of Loss under this program.
PROOF OF LOSS: The Claimant must send our designated representative or us written Proof of Loss within 90 days after a refund reason first begins.
TIME OF PAYMENT OF REFUND REQUESTS: Refunds under this program will be paid within 30 days from the date our designated representative or we receive proper written proof of such loss acceptable to us.
PAYMENT OF REFUND REQUESTS: Upon receipt of an acceptable written Proof of Loss, payments for all losses will be made to (or on behalf of, if applicable) you, if living, otherwise to your estate. If any payee is a minor or is not competent to give a valid release for the payment, the payment will be made to the legal guardian of the payee’s property.
MISREPRESENTATION AND FRAUD: There is no refund if you, a companion, or immediate family member intentionally concealed or misrepresented any material fact or material circumstance or committed fraud relating to this program or any refund request.
WAIVER: Our failure to strictly enforce our rights under this program at any time or under any circumstance shall not constitute a waiver of such rights by the us at any time under the same or different circumstances.”
If you don’t meet the above requirements you ahve the following options.
The Power is in your hands. You can transfer between events and to another Runner without the help of the Brisbane Trail Ultra® Team. It is easy, jump on the Registration website. Login to your profile, or click on your Brisbane Trail Ultra POWERED BY SALOMON AUS/NZ Dashboard.
Then choose “Transfer”
Transfer between events is complimentary. You will need to pay the difference if upgrading to a longer event. If you are swapping to a shorter event, there is no refund offered for the difference. If you’d like to switch or change the events clock on the “Transfer to a new sub-event” button and follow the prompts.
This option opens on the 1st of February and the cut-off for this is Jun 15, 2024, 11:59 PM.
The best way to sell your entry is to Jump onto our Facebook Brisbane Trail Ultra Page 6300+ Followers, Brisbane Trail Ultra Group page, or Trail Running Australia page 8000+ Strong.
The power is in your hands, you're able to do this without our help, by following these simple steps.
You can log in to your registration dashboard.
Click on the menu bar “Transfer.”